Work Related & Repetitive Strain Injuries
The term WRULD or RSI, is used to describe several conditions such as tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome which are related to work related tasks or postures and repetitive movements. Symptoms may be widespread, including 'aching' and 'burning' pain in the shoulders, upper back, neck, arms and hands.
Our physiotherapists use a multi-factorial approach to successfully treat RSI. Therapies including kinesio taping, ultrasound and massage techniques can reduce muscle tension, reduce pain and promote healing. We will analyse posture and muscle balance and will prescribe an individualised exercise programme to address issues contributing to your symptoms.
Our physiotherapists use a multi-factorial approach to successfully treat RSI. Therapies including kinesio taping, ultrasound and massage techniques can reduce muscle tension, reduce pain and promote healing. We will analyse posture and muscle balance and will prescribe an individualised exercise programme to address issues contributing to your symptoms.
Book an Appointment
We offer convenient appointments in Beaconsfield including evenings and weekends.